Special Ingredients Europe

Almond flavoured Frappuccino

Almond Frappuccino

The best homemade Frappucino! Make your own homebrew coffee experience with our Almond Milk Frappuccino recipe, featuring the enchanting addition of Almond Flavour Drops. This concoction is a celebration of flavours, perfectly blending the robust intensity of cold brew coffee with the creamy, nutty essence of almond milk, enriched by the concentrated burst of almond …

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Perfect Acorn Flavoured Cookies

In the world of culinary exploration, the quest for unique flavours leads us to an intriguing ingredient: Acorn flavour drops. Our latest recipe, Acorn Flavour Drop Cookies, is a testament to the versatility and richness that this distinctive taste can bring to a classic treat. Perfect for both home chefs and professionals looking to infuse …

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How do you store the Mojito Spheres?

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: With great pleasure I’ve been browsing your website and saw an inspiring recipe about Mojito Spheres. I only had one question: Is it possible to prepare these in advance? So if you rinse the spheres in the last step with water, how do you store the mojito spheres until you want to serve them …

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Is sodium alginate suitable for meat products?

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Hello. Is sodium alginate suitable for meat products? Boil 2dl of water with spices, let cool, mix in sodium alginate which forms a gel, add the gel to the minced meat, fry the meatballs. The idea is to get juicier meatballs. Yes, sodium alginate can be used in meat products, and the method you’ve …

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Peanut Butter Powder – with Maltodextrin

Peanut Butter Powder - with Maltodextrin

Let’s transform ordinary peanut butter into a magical, fluffy powder! Our secret ingredient? Maltodextrin! This amazing additive helps us turn high-fat substances, like peanut butter, into a light, airy powder that is fun to work with and delightful to taste. In modern gastronomy, maltodextrin is used to transform high-fat liquids into powders. For example, professional …

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The Best Cheese Sauce or Dip – with Sodium Citrate

Cheese Sauce with Sodium Citrate

The perfect companion on a game night: a creamy, dreamy cheese sauce that will elevate your hot chicken wings, veggies, bread and nachos to the next level! Whether you’re a pro chef or a culinary enthusiast at home, this recipe is a game changer. And: it is super super easy. What’s the secret, you ask? …

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Beet Balsamic Gel – with Gellan

Beetroot Gel - Gellan Xanthan Gum

Check out this Beetroot Balsamic Gel, a culinary marvel that serves as a vibrant, flavorful foundation for numerous dishes! This versatile gem marries the earthy goodness of beetroot with the deep, rich, and tangy notes of balsamic vinegar, creating a beautifully balanced symphony of flavors. The two special ingredients we use are Xanthan Gum and …

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Scropino with Apple juice Foam – with Soy Lecithin

Applej uice foam - Soy Lecithin

Ready to take your cocktail game to the next level? Allow us to introduce our Scropino with Apple Juice Foam, a delightful blend of classic Italian cocktail charm and innovative modern gastronomy. This isn’t just a cocktail, it’s a multi-sensory experience that engages the palate in an entirely unique way. Our special ingredient? Soy Lecithin! …

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Basics: Perfect Lime Foam – with Soy Lecithin

Lime Foam - Soy Lecithin

Looking to bring a touch of modern gastronomy to your culinary creations? Say hello to one of our Basic recipes: Lime Foam, a delightful gastronomic innovation that promises to add a fresh and zesty touch to any dish. Using the magic of soy lecithin, a natural emulsifier, we’ll be transforming ordinary lime juice into a …

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