Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film: A Modern Take on Fruit Recipes

The culinary world is always on the lookout for new, innovative ways to transform classic ingredients into creative masterpieces. One such modern twist is fruit film, a delicate, translucent sheet made from fruit puree that offers endless possibilities for plating and garnishing, using our Crisp Film powder and Ultratex.

But while this concept may seem cutting-edge, the idea of fruit preservation has deep historical roots.

History of Food Preservation

Fruit preservation methods date back centuries, with drying being one of the oldest techniques used by civilizations worldwide to extend the life of seasonal fruits. Drying fruits not only allowed people to enjoy them year-round but also concentrated their natural sugars and flavors. What was once a method of survival has now evolved into a sophisticated culinary technique.

Fast-forward to today, and chefs are using fruit films in fine dining establishments to add a touch of elegance and creativity to their dishes. Fruit films are versatile and can be used as edible decorations, or rolled up to create striking visuals on the plate. But with the right ingredients, making fruit film is something even home cooks can easily achieve.

The Magic Behind Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film

This Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film Recipe is a perfect example of how simple ingredients and a bit of science can create something truly unique. By using Crisp Film Powder and Ultratex, you can transform ordinary fruit puree into a thin, flexible sheet of edible film.

Crisp Film Powder is a modern culinary ingredient that acts as a natural film-forming agent, allowing you to create the perfect texture. It helps the fruit puree set evenly and adds a subtle crispness without overpowering the natural flavors of the fruit. Combined with Ultratex, a high-performance thickening agent, the result is a beautifully smooth and stable film that’s perfect for creative plating.

A Step Toward Culinary Innovation

This recipe is more than just a fun experiment; it’s a testament to how far modern cooking techniques have come. Fruit films like this were once the domain of molecular gastronomy, reserved for top-tier chefs in Michelin-starred restaurants. Now, thanks to innovative ingredients like those from Special Ingredients Europe, home cooks and chefs alike can explore this culinary trend.

To make this fruit film, you’ll need 100g of apple and strawberry puree, 3g of Crisp Film Powder, and 0.5g of Ultratex. Simply blend the ingredients together, then spread the mixture thinly and evenly onto a non-stick or silicone mat. After that, it’s a waiting game: leave the mixture to set at room temperature for 12 hours or speed up the process by using a dehydrator at 30°C for around 10 hours. The result is a stunning, flexible film that captures the vibrant flavors of apple and strawberry.

Endless Possibilities with Fruit Film

The possibilities with fruit film are endless. You can use it to wrap delicate fillings, add an edible layer of texture to desserts, or even cut it into intricate shapes for a creative garnish. With its translucent quality and vibrant color, it instantly elevates the presentation of any dish, making it ideal for impressing guests or adding a professional touch to your culinary creations.

What makes this particular recipe even more exciting is its simplicity. Despite the sophisticated result, the process is easy to follow, requiring only a few ingredients and minimal equipment. Whether you’re a professional chef or an adventurous home cook, this Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film is a fun, innovative way to experiment with new textures and techniques.


The Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film is a perfect example of how traditional fruit preservation techniques can be reimagined using modern ingredients like Crisp Film Powder and Ultratex. This versatile, elegant film is sure to impress, whether you’re using it to enhance a dish’s flavor, texture, or visual appeal. Try this recipe today and bring a modern, artistic touch to your kitchen.

Happy cooking!


Apple and Strawberry Fruit Film with Crisp Film Powder and Ultratex”

Special Ingredients Europe
Create a stunning Apple and Strawberry Film using Special Ingredients Crisp Film Powder and Ultratex. This easy-to-make, versatile fruit film is perfect for creative plating or as a delicate garnish, bringing a modern twist to your culinary creations
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Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 12 hours
Course Dessert
Cuisine Molecular
Servings 8


  • 50 gr Apple puree
  • 50 gr Strawberry puree
  • 3 gr Special Ingredients Crisp Film Powder
  • 0.5 gr Special Ingredients Ultratex


  • Blend ingredients: In a blender, combine the apple and strawberry puree with 3g of Special Ingredients Crisp Film Powder and 0.5g of Ultratex. Blend until smooth to ensure an even mixture.
  • Spread mixture: Using a spatula, evenly spread the blended puree onto a non-stick baking mat or a silicone mat. Aim for a thin, uniform layer to achieve the best results.
  • Set the film: Allow the mixture to set and dry. You can either leave it at room temperature for 12 hours or speed up the process by using a dehydrator set at 30°C for 10 hours. Once dried, the film should be flexible yet sturdy.
Keywords Apple and Strawberry Puree, Apple puree, Crisp Film Powder, Ultratex
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