The Best Madeleine Recipe

Madeleines, the petite, elegant, shell-shaped sponge cakes, are a delightful testament to French baking. Originating from the Lorraine region of northeastern France, these little cakes have a storied history that adds to their charm.

The madeleine’s origins date back to the 18th century, with several legends surrounding its creation. One popular tale credits Madeleine Paulmier, a young servant girl, for their invention. She is said to have baked these delicate cakes for Stanislas Leszczyński, the exiled King of Poland and Duke of Lorraine, who then introduced them to the court of Louis XV. From there, the madeleine quickly gained popularity, becoming a staple in French patisserie.

The madeleine holds a special place in literature as well. Marcel Proust immortalized it in his novel “In Search of Lost Time,” where the taste of a madeleine dipped in tea famously triggers a flood of childhood memories. This connection to nostalgia and the senses has cemented the madeleine’s status as more than just a dessert— it’s a cultural icon.

Our modern take on the classic madeleine recipe honors this rich heritage while introducing a contemporary twist. Traditional madeleines are known for their buttery flavor and light, airy texture, with a hint of lemon or vanilla. Our recipe stays true to these beloved characteristics but incorporates a few innovative touches to elevate the experience. We’ve perfected the balance of ingredients, such as our Invert Syrup and  Bourbon Vanilla Extract to achieve an ideal rise, ensuring each madeleine has the signature hump and delicate crumb. Additionally, feel free to experiment with unique flavors and infusions, such as lavender and honey or matcha and white chocolate, to offer a fresh perspective on this timeless treat.

Join us on this delightful journey as we blend tradition and modernity to create the perfect madeleine—a true celebration of French culinary artistry. With our recipe, you’ll not only recreate the magic of the past but also discover new flavors that excite your palate

Happy Cooking!

Madeleine recipe

The Best Madeleine recipe

Special Ingredients Europe
This recipe creates the best of French baking with these irresistible, buttery madeleines! These light, fluffy, and beautifully shell-shaped sponge cakes are sure to become your new favorite treat.
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Prep time 20 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Molecular
Servings 6



  • In a medium pot, combine the butter, invert syrup, vanilla extract, milk and salt.
  • Heat until the butter is melted.
  • Strain into a clean bowl and set aside.
  • Sift together the flour, sugar and yeast.
  • In a thermomix, temper the eggs to 30°C and emulsify with the butter mixture. Incorporate the flour mixture until the dough is homongeous.
  • Pour the dough into small shelf-shaped silicone moulds. Bake without humidity at 177°C for 4 minutes.
  • Rotate the moulds and bake for 4 more minutes to ensure uniform cooking. Remove the oven and allow to cool, then unfold and serve or store in an airtight container.
Keywords Beaten Eggs, Eggs, Flour, Invert Syrup, Madagascan Bourbon Vanilla Extract, Milk, Powdered Sugar, Salt, Unsalted Butter, Yeast
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